时 间: 2023 年 05 月 19 日 (星期五), 下午14:00
地 点: 尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!,科研楼三层阶梯教室
主 持人:梁兴杰 研究员
演讲者: Massimo Bottini, PhD, Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata
题 目: Extracellular vesicle-mediated biomineralization: new opportunities for breast cancer diagnosis and therapy
One of the hallmarks of breast cancer is the presence of microcalcifications. However, the biogenesis of these microcalcifications remains largely unexplored. The osteomimicry of breast cancer, that is, the expression of bone-associated proteins by the cells, has suggested that the formation of microcalcifications may follow a similar process as physiological mineralisation. Bone ossification is a result of the work of a special class of extracellular vesicles, called matrix vesicles. Current knowledge describes matrix vesicles as released by outward budding from the apical microvilli of chondrocytes and osteoblastsand acting as mineralization nanoreactors by forming apatitic minerals in their lumen and propagating the minerals on the collagen fibrils. Current knowledge also describes matrix vesicles as harbouring the complete biochemical machinery (proteins and lipids) necessary to act as mineralization nanoreactors. However, the exact biochemical mechanisms, both intracellular and intracellular, driving the biogenesis and function of matrix vesicles remain elusive. In this seminar, after having described what we know and we do not know about the physiologic and ectopic biomineralization processes, I will describe three research lines that we have been developing aimed at unravelling the role of 1) orphan phosphatase 1(PHOSPHO1), 2) autophagy and 3) soluble proteins in the biogenesis and function of matrix vesicles. Finally, I will discuss our new research line aimed at elucidating the mechanism(s) driving the formation of breast cancer microcalcifications.